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Collectively Driving Digital Transformation Excellence

The IA FORUM is an exclusive by invitation only global community that consists of enterprise-wide C-Suites and senior-level executives within the fields of IA, AI, automation, technology, GBS/shared services, process improvement, and business & digital transformation - and functional area leaders leveraging automation to enhance operations. This distinguished group includes C-Suites, practitioners, functional area leaders, scientists, subject matter experts, thought leaders, authors, academics, and the top voices in the IA, AI, automation, technology, and business & digital transformation space. The community also extends to Core members’ direct reports.

IA FORUM members are a vibrant and engaged group of professionals that value insight sharing, collaboration, and continuous improvement & skills development. They are part of a dynamic community that fosters an environment where members uplift one another, share innovative ideas, and work together to achieve IA, AI, and business & digital transformation excellence.

What We Do

The IA FORUM provides its members with year-round opportunities to attend 120+ virtual and in-person events annually; benchmark, collaborate, and network with their direct and enterprise-wide peers; obtain highly valuable industry and peer insights; enhance their skill sets; and expand their professional network.

IA FORUM YouTube Channel

The IA FORUM YouTube Channel consists of publicly available videos on topics that matter most to our members. The channel has 12 playlists and nearly 1,000 videos. You can access the entire channel by clicking on this YouTube hot link link listed here..... 

IA FORUM Magazine

The IA FORUM Magazine is an exclusive digital publication designed specifically for IA FORUM members. IA FORUM members can access the full magazine by logging into their membership online account.

Below you will find an abridged version of the IA FORUM Magazine. To obtain full access of the magazine and all the benefits of membership, join the exclusive IA FORUM community.

Learn how the IA FORUM can help you and your organization advance its IA, AI, technology, and business & digital transformation journey.