Collectively Driving Digital Transformation Excellence
The IA FORUM provides its members with year-round opportunities to attend 120+ virtual and in-person events annually - to enable them to benchmark, collaborate, and network with their direct and enterprise-wide peers; obtain highly valuable peer-to-peer and industry insights; enhance their skill sets; and expand their professional network.
Nearly every month there are 10 virtual events and 1 - 3 in-person networking events members can attend. All non-discussion basedVIRTUALevents have an extra 30-minutes built into them, to provide members with enhanced NETWORKING opportunities. The event’s extra NETWORKING time is hosted and facilitated by the IA FORUM.
*Vendorsare excluded from participating in IA FORUM community activities.
Insight Sharing & Collaboration
Roundtable Discussions
Panel Discussions
Use Case Presentations
Thought Leadership Interviews
Training & Continued Education
IA Training Courses
Ivy League Technology Senior Management Educational Courses