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Collectively Driving Digital Transformation Excellence


The majority of IA FORUM events are for members only - and vendors are NOT permitted to attend IA FORUM events.

However, every month we have a few events that:

  • Members are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to bring 1 - 2 internal/external colleagues or friends to attend a given event, as their VIP Guests. However, all members’ VIP Guests MUST qualify to attend and have a strong interest in potentially JOINING the IA FORUM sometime down the line. 
  • Are “Open Network” Events, which are events we allow NON-member executives to attend, to enable them to explore our community, whereas doing so will potentially lead them to JOINING the IA FORUM down the line.

Who Can Attend & Registration Process:

IA FORUM Advisory Board & Members

Events They Can Attend: All IA FORUM events they qualify to attend.

Qualification Requirements: IA FORUM members are pre-qualified.

Event Registration Process: Register for events via the IA FORUM website.

 Members' VIP Guests

Events They Can Attend: Any event that is open to IA FORUM member’s VIP Guests.

Qualification Requirements: They must meet the IA FORUM membership qualifications and have a strong interest in potentially JOINING the IA FORUM down the line.

* To learn if they qualify, see the “IA FORUM Members” information.

Event Registration Process:

  • IA FORUM members must send Jules  their internal/external colleagues’ or friends’ name, job title, and company information PRIOR to their guests registering for an event.
  • Once your potential VIP Guests have been “JM Approved”, then they can register for a given event on the IA FORUM website.

Vendors can NOT attend IA FORUM events.

NON-Member C-Suites & Senior-Level Executives INVITED BY THE IA FORUM

Events They Can Attend: Only”Open Network” Events the IA FORUM has invited them to attend.

Qualification Requirements: They must meet the IA FORUM membership qualifications and have a strong interest in potentially JOINING the IA FORUM down the line.

* To learn more, see the “IA FORUM Members” information.

Event Registration Process: After you have been invited to an IA FORUM “Open Network” Event, simply go to the IA FORUM website and register for the event you have been invited to attend.

Vendors can NOT attend IA FORUM events.

All Other NON-MemberC-Suites & Senior-Level Executives

Events They Can Attend: Only ”Open Network” Events.

Qualification Requirements: You must meet the IA FORUM membership qualifications and have a strong interest in potentially JOINING the IA FORUM down the line.

* To learn if you qualify, see the “IA FORUM Members” information.

Event Registration Process: If you qualify for IA FORUM membership, simply go to the IA FORUM website and register for the “Open Network” Event(s) you would like to attend.

Vendors can NOT attend IA FORUM events.

When we come together as a community, we don’t just grow - we thrive, learning from each other along the way.